After traveling to Utah, Nevada, and California looking at Model A bodies (rusted out field trash), I located this clean one owner near San Diego. Assured that there was no rust, I picked up Tom and Dick in Southern California on the way and we three old farts headed for 'Diego on the first parts run together in almost 50 years.
I think Bob (Model A owner) didn't know whether to run and hide or run us off when we drug all the parts out on his lawn and rolled it out into the sunlight. To give him credit, he stood his ground and gave up very little on the price. He later confided that he knew it was sold when I drove up from Nevada with the trailer.
After swapping cash for trash, we backed the A' on the trailer and loaded the inside of the A" and the back of the truck with everything we could find. This one had been in storage for 48 years after being partially disassembled in 1964. Did we get it all?? we think so, but who cares, NO RUST!! Actually, I think the car is 90% complete.
As acting Entertainment Director. I am positive that we three added a great deal of sunlight to ol' Bob's day (the stack of 100's probably helped) even though he appeared to be weeping as we jumped in the truck and left.
I have a few days ahead of sorting the boxes of stuff into keepers and sellers but my social calender is open and time is not a problem. Thanks to Tom and Dick for the assistance!
The only stressful portion of the day was when the original headliner began to disintegrate on the way back. Dick's comment on this with a grin was "don't look back". Chunks of cotton and shredded mohair.........
Wow...that is an awesome find?? ??? Glad you had some fun with the guys and I can't wait to see how this one turns out! Heard the old lady has to park in the'll be eating dog food in no time! Congrats!